Red Leather Sofas – Are They Right for You?

Any choice you make when buying your Red leather sofas or Red leather sofa set will obviously depend on the size of your room and how many people you want to seat at any one time. Getting a new leather sofa can be exciting! But you do want to make sure that your new sofa will fit before you order, so please take a little time to measure up before you make your final choice.

Keep your red leather sofas looking like new

Work out whether you’re best off with 2 small sofas or one large sofa plus a couple of chairs – they may offer more flexibility as they’re repositioned more easily. It’s worth remembering that the arms of a sofa can make a big difference to the amount of seating capacity as well as ease of access to a room. If your room is small, narrower sofa arms give the illusion of a more compact piece. Whatever the size, avoid perching on the arms of the leather sofa as this can distort the sofa frame over time. A rough rule of thumb is that a large sofa will seat 3 average size adults comfortably. Small sofas will accommodate 2.

Styles of leather sofa and accessories

Open plan space can also be enhanced by using modular furniture in large configurations, but this type of furniture can be helpful in smaller spaces too because of its flexibility. A matching armchair is the obvious accessory for your sofa, and it will usually be made in exactly the same way. You might also want to consider an accent chair to co-ordinate rather than match

Sofas offering back support

Sofas which provide an oversized chair for one or a cosy sofa for a couple. To gauge a safe distance between your leather sofa and a radiator to prevent cracking, move your hand away from the radiator until you can no longer feel its heat; at minimum, this should be about a foot (30cm) High backs on sofas and chairs may look best in rooms with higher ceilings. Lower backs in less open rooms can give the illusion of more space, but can also be used effectively in open-plan rooms to emphasise the sense of space.